
Lost Cause is the name behind surf and kite board designer and shaper Colin McCulloch. From its inception in 1999, Lost Cause has grown to be one of the UK’s most influential and innovative brands in this dynamic and fast-developing sport. The reason is simple – each Lost Cause board is unique and tailored to the specific needs of the individual rider, in every detail.

And so it all began…
After leaving school at 16, Colin went on to a four year college apprenticeship at Fleet lands, working and fitting military helicopters.

Colin started windsurfing in 1987 and became instantly hooked. Always fixing and repairing his own boards, he moved on to make his first surfboard in ’94.

“The first windsurf board I made was in ’95.
It was crap but I still sold it six months later.
I have never looked back and still make windsurfers today”

After returning from a windsurfing trip to Maui in 1999, Colin discovered kiteboarding. And it was one of Colin’s 6’6 surf boards that was converted into his first kiteboard. Before he knew it, Lost Cause was in full production with kiteboards.

With kiteboarding being very new, there were no local riders around; this meant Colin did all of his own testing. He was and still is at the forefront of kiteboard design.

And the rest is history…
Colin’s experiences in windsurfing and kitesurfing along with his theoretical expertise are the key reasons why his boards are in such high demand.

Colin’s reputation as a board shaper followed him and he gained a place among the Airush team. More recently Colin has been made head shaper for Airush production boards.

“Colin is the natural successor to Jimmy Lewis,
the last shaper of this style to hit the sport”

(From Kitesurf magazine May/June 04)

Four years on ..Whats new…

I think one of  the best things has to be Aaron coming back on line.I made his first ever TT when he was 10 and now he has more than repaid me with 3 PKRA construction world championships.I would of had the double if Tom Herbert hadn’t kooked it in the KPWT and come second !!!

The Airush board program is still going strong,But now i have to  visit various factories and see if they are Worth dealing with and if they can produce  what we want to the standard we want.From Austria to China you can always tell a good one from a bad one and at the end of the day i am the one in the firing line if it goes wrong. Lucky for me i deal with two of the best factories in the world !

Top of the list for me is  that’ i still haven’t sold out ! ‘ Maybe i should ?

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