Is it my imagination ?

February 19th, 2008

Is it my imagination or are all the boards the same nowadays.I have just seen 4 different brands that i have never heard of all coming from the same mould.Is that what it has come to! Pretty sad really but i guess that’s the face of kite-boarding in 09.I would like to think the top brands will still keep developing,But then again maybe top brands should do this for there budget board and sweep all this crap under the carpet.In the end it is good for the customer.

World tour 2008 Production

November 16th, 2007

Off into the world of production !

Same shit different year!!

Basically you get on a plane with a master plan go to the factories only to find out they Can’t do this and if you want that it will cost you x amount.It’s pretty dull really but sometimes they will surprise you with something new ,Be it a method or a material. That’s cool then as i can make a load of boards to test.Its not all bad you do get to see the big picture and what is going down globally.


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